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Cloud & Infrastructure Insight – Live

The future of enterprise IT is the topic for a day of debate at Tech Unplugged in London on Wednesday, April 22 with Cloudian as one of four ‘disruptive technology vendors’ taking part.

Cloudian will discuss cloud and infrastructure issues alongside leading influencers including Chris Evans, Enrico Signoretti, Hans De Leenheer, Martin Glassborow, Nigel Poulton and Stephen Foskett.

Neil Stobart, our Director, EMEA System Engineering will outline how Cloudian HyperStore supports the new realities of data storage in Enterprise IT, providing a hybrid cloud storage platform for hyper scale IT environments.

He will also explain how traditional block and file storage platforms still have an appropriate place in the data center for certain workloads, but will show how they cannot scale to support the new breed of web-scale applications and services that are driving significant change, especially in larger data repositories. HyperStore and object based storage provides a foundation to deliver smart data processing with in-place data analytics, hybrid cloud capability and cost economics which allows organizations to be more insightful with their data, whether within private, public, or hybrid cloud environments.

Neil will also provide insight on how a scale-out storage platform should be architected to support scale AND cost efficiency, with true peer to peer architecture, multi-tenancy and innovative storage technologies such as vNodes, erasure coding and compression to optimize hardware usage in order to positively impact both CapEx and OpEX.

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