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Cloudian HyperStore Deployment Patterns

Henry GolasHenry Golas, Director of Technology, Cloudian

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When we look at modern application development today, we immediately see a large difference in the organization and deployment of applications. Microservices and containers have become the standard model for development and deployment, compared to the traditional monolithic apps of yesterday. One could argue that the microservices and containerization transformation is the present-day equivalent to the virtualization evolution of the early millennium.

So, now that how applications are organized and how applications deployed has changed, it’s safe to say, we’re going to have to change the way application data is stored.

Welcome to Cloudian and Object Storage!

Modern applications, be they as small as a single container or as large as a farm of containers, need to store their non-transient data somewhere. This is concept is termed “Persistent Storage” and a persistent data store can be a database instance, a logging instance or a Cloudian HyperStore S3 object storage instance.

Cloudian HyperStore is a software defined object storage platform, which provides S3 native object storage services. The S3 API is the de facto standard for communicating with object data for cloud native applications.

For each of the deployment patterns below, there is an Cloudian HyperStore option:

Deployment Pattern



  • This is a server based on premises deployment
  • Customers can leverage turnkey HyperStore appliances or their preferred x86 servers
  • Flash media for performant workloads, HDD media for non-performant workloads
  • HDD media for non-performant workloads
  • HyperStore is managed via Cloudian Management Console

Deployment Pattern



  • This is a virtual machine based on premises deployment
  • Customers can leverage their VMware infrastructure to deploy Cloudian HyperStore
  • HyperStore performance is tied to underlying data store media
  • HyperStore is managed via Cloudian Management Console and VSphere

Deployment Pattern



  • This is a containerized deployment of HyperStore
  • HyperStore for Containers can be deployed in VMware Tanzu and Red Hat OpenShift environments
  • HyperStore performance is tied to storage class media
  • HyperStore is managed via Cloudian Management Console, VMware VI, OpenShift or YAML

Deployment Pattern


Public Cloud

  • This is a software defined deployment of HyperStore
  • HyperStore performance is tied to selected storage
  • HyperStore is managed via Cloudian Management Console

With the choices in deployment pattern, customers can deploy HyperStore and provide persistent data services to modern and traditional applications.

The different HyperStore deployment options allow for application data to be portable and accessible, regardless of the deployment pattern used.

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