Cloudian Training & Education

Cloudian Training & Education

Cloudian Training and Education provides Relevant Targeted Training to our customers and partners. Whether you are installing from the ground up, or only interested in the operational features available with Cloudian® solutions, we have a course dedicated to providing you the tools you need to derive maximum value from the solution.

Talk to your sales representative about your training needs or contact for more information.

Cloudian CCA CertifiedCloudian Certified Administrator

Cloudian Hyperstore Overview and Administration
The Cloudian Certified Administrator (CCA) training program is a live (via Zoom), English-only, instructor-led, four-day course aimed at end-users and those with a need to administer and maintain a HyperStore® cluster. The course has been designed to provide a solid grounding in HyperStore concepts and architecture, and operational experience, allowing trainees to gain confidence and skills in cluster administration.

Target Audience
End-users and administrators who will be operating and maintaining the HyperStore cluster and those requiring a greater level of knowledge to fully drive value from the Hyperstore cluster solution.

Cloudian Certified Administrator Course Schedule

Delivered over Zoom (USA, EMEA & APJ) or in person
English only


  • 18th-21st February – EMEA
  • 11th-14th March – USA
  • 8th-11th April – APJ
  • 27th-30th May – EMEA
  • 10th-13th June – USA
  • 1st-4th July – EMEA
  • 5th-8th August – USA
  • 23rd-26th September – EMEA
  • 7th-10th October – APJ
  • 18th-21st November – USA

cloudian certifiedCloudian Certified Engineer

Cloudian HyperStore Overview and Installation
The Cloudian Certified Engineer (CCE) training program is a live (via Zoom), English-only, instructor-led, four-day course aimed at professional service partners and those with a need to deploy and install Hyperstore clusters. The course has been designed to provide significant hands-on learning, allowing trainees to gain confidence and skills in cluster deployment.

Target Audience
Partner deployment professional services and end-users interested in installing and deploying clusters from the ground up.

Contact your sales representative or contact for course availability and scheduling.