openshift diagram

Cloudian Storage for Red Hat OpenShift

S3-compatible persistent storage for containerized applications on-premises

Containerized applications require storage that’s agile and cloud-native. Traditional enterprise storage systems are difficult to provision and manage and cannot deliver the cost-effective scalability required. At the same time, purpose-built container storage offerings are agile, but lack the scalability, security, and durability that cloud-native production environments demand.

Cloudian on-prem S3 storage for Red Hat OpenShift provides an easy way to access enterprise-ready, exabyte-scalable Cloudian storage from your OpenShift containers-based applications.

Built natively on the S3 API, Cloudian lets you dynamically or statically provision object storage using S3 APIs or replicate or migrate data directly to AWS, GCP, or Azure. You get cloud-like storage access in your own data center, delivering better performance and availability at up to 70% lower total cost than public cloud.

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“You don’t need to recreate a cloud-like experience by cobbling a Kubernetes translation layer onto traditional storage. Instead, use storage, like Cloudian, that was designed to deliver a cloud experience from the start.”

Scott Sinclair, ESG


How Private Cloud Overcomes the Top 5 Kubernetes Storage Challenges

Kubernetes offers a highly-dynamic environment for modern applications. But it presents new challenges in deploying and managing persistent storage. Read this paper to gain insight into the obstacles, and learn why S3-compatible private cloud storage offers real solutions.

Download this ESG paper to learn about:

  • The top 5 storage challenges for Kubernetes
  • Why S3-compatible storage enhances application portability
  • How a private cloud reduces costs and increases developer productivity
  • Key capabilities you should look for in choosing a storage platform

S3 API for Application Portability

Designed from the ground up as a native-S3 API platform, Cloudian offers the industry’s most complete S3 API compatibility.  This eliminates lock-in and enhances application portability, so you can write code once then deploy it where it’s needed. Plus, you get fast, self-serve storage access using the standard Kubernetes Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) methodology to provision assets. This is storage for Kubernetes that’s agile and standards-based.

kubernetes s3 api

multi-tenancy makes containers storage easy to deploy on a private cloud

Multi-tenancy for Shared Storage

Share your private cloud among multiple use cases and operating environments. Cloudian’s secure multi-tenancy lets you create separate namespaces and self-serve management environments for development and production users. Each tenant’s environment is isolated, with data invisible to other tenants. Performance can be managed, too, with integrated quality of services (QoS) controls.

Hybrid Cloud-Enabled

Bring your on-prem and cloud worlds together. Cloudian’s integrated public cloud data management tools make it easy to replicate or migrate data to AWS, GCP, or Azure. Data stored to the cloud is always stored in that cloud’s native format, meaning that it’s directly accessible to cloud-based applications. There’s no lock-in. Manage data among clouds, too, making data accessible wherever it is needed, without the complexity of a separate management layer.

kubernetes hybrid cloud

kubernetes geo distribution

A single storage cluster can span multiple locations.
Consistency configurable to meet use case requirements.

Span the Globe with Geo-Distribution

To keep performance up and latency down, applications require access to local storage. If you need to manage that storage and data across multiple sites, you know this can be a challenge. Cloudian solves this problem with a distributed architecture that lets you put data anywhere you need it. From a single screen, manage the integrated replication and striping tools to put data near the applications.

Cloudian: Hardened and Production-Ready

  • Award-winning cloud-native (S3) object and file storage
  • Over an exabyte of data under management
  • Over 1,000,000 users
  • Modular, peer-to-peer clustered architecture
  • Trusted by the world’s largest enterprises, government agencies, and service providers
  • Deployments ranging in size from a single site to dozens of sites operating as a private cloud