How to offload your NAS and reclaim capacity, with zero disruption

Running low on NAS capacity? Over 60% of NAS data is typically cold and infrequently accessed. Common examples include old project information, engineering files, historical data, and media that rarely gets used. All of these sit there, consuming capacity and data backup resources. Cloudian and Komprise let you offload that data to on-premises Cloudian storage and immediately reclaim 60% of your Tier 1 NAS capacity.

View this on-demand webinar with Komprise and Cloudian, “How to Delay Your Next NAS Expansion,” to learn more.


Transparently Tier Data to Cloudian, at 70% Less Cost

Cloudian/Komprise lets you find and reclaim that costly NAS capacity without user disruption. So you can defer that next NAS purchase.

One of the key benefits of the Cloudian/Komprise solution is that users will see no change in data access. Komprise’s software transparently tiers old or dormant CIFS and NFS files from any filer or server to Cloudian. That data is stored at 70% less cost and is still immediately accessible when requested by users. There are no delays, and no access charges. To the user, nothing has changed.


On-Prem Control, Public Cloud Prices

Cloudian gives you on-prem storage at the cost of public cloud. With Cloudian, the storage is in your data center, under your control, at costs down to ½ cent per GB per month. And there are no cloud access charges.

Save on Backup Licenses and Capacity

Unused data costs more than just NAS capacity: you’re also paying for the backup software and data copies. These can more than double your costs. When you migrate that data to Cloudian, it’s protected with nine nines data durability without the cost of a backup license. If you need more protection, you can tier data to a public cloud (such as Amazon S3) for offsite storage. Cloudian’s built-in management tools make that transparent as well.

With Cloudian/Komprise, you save on Tier 1 NAS, save on backup, and get full data protection.

Free Storage Assessment

Contact Cloudian for your free storage assessment. We will analyze the data on your NAS and show you what data is actually being used, and what data hasn’t been touched in months. And then we will provide you a written report and analysis of your potential savings of tiering that dormant data to Cloudian.


Reclaim costly NAS capacity and put off that costly expansion. Contact Cloudian today to get started. It’s quick and it’s free.

View the Cloudian/Komprise solution brief for more information.


5 Things You Need to Know About Hybrid Cloud Before You Start

You’ve probably heard the term hybrid cloud, but what is it, and what can it do for you?

It’s a particularly hot topic now because public cloud storage is growing in popularity. As it should be. Public cloud is inexpensive and solves real storage problems.

But public cloud is not for everyone and not for all data types. That’s where the hybrid cloud comes in. By combining public and on-prem storage into a single management pool, hybrid has the potential to deliver the best attributes of both worlds.

This blog series will give you industry perspective, tips, and tech background, so you can decide if hybrid cloud is right for you. We’ll give you the facts with no fluff. Let’s get started.

Here are five quick facts to put hybrid cloud in perspective.

  1. Hybrid cloud storage hype is real: 

Sometimes buzz is just noise, but with hybrid cloud the growing interest reflects real activity. A recent survey found that 68% of organizations said it’s in their deployment plans for the next two years. Typical motivations included:

    • Data Governance / Security: For data governance reasons, about half of organizations reported a need to keep some data on prem.
    • Cost: If data is frequently accessed, costs can quickly add up.
    • Performance: On prem applications may perform poorly when accessing data in the public cloud.
  1. Not all data will live in the public cloud
    Hybrid gives you the ability to keep sensitive data on-premises, rather than putting everything in the public cloud. In the survey, 59% of respondents agreed, stating that an average of 51% of their data needs to remain on prem. Typical use cases for hybrid cloud include:

    • Backup: Cut RTO by hours vs. either cloud or tape; save cost vs. conventional disk
    • Home directory: Keep frequently accessed files local, automatically tier cold files to the cloud
    • Compliance: Store sensitive file types on premise, automatically migrate others to the cloud
  1. Hybrid cloud offers better scalability than public cloud alone

Since a hybrid cloud connects public and private clouds, it provides a unified infrastructure lets you choose the most efficient infrastructure for specific data and workloads. For example, you can take advantage of the cost efficiency of Amazon’s S3 Infrequent Access tier or Amazon Glacier for backup or archive data, use Amazon S3 Standard to provide data access in different regions, while keeping the bulk of active data in a private cloud on-premises.

      1. A unified infrastructure also gives you a few benefits that public or private cloud alone don’t. Hybrid cloud eliminates silos of data, lets you keep data and applications on premises if you need to (usually for compliance or performance reasons), and is easier to manage than separate environments.
  1. Hybrid cloud saves cost

It’s usually true that cloud storage is less expensive than traditional SAN or NAS systems. Public cloud storage today costs as little as 0.4 cents per GB per month. But for frequently used data, access costs can add up. Hybrid cloud lets your store frequently accessed data locally, avoiding cloud data transfer charges. That data can be automatically tiered to the public cloud when it becomes cold. This lets you easily capitalize on the super-low cost of public cloud, while meeting your security, performance, and data governance objectives.

  1. Hybrid cloud will help you survive the data tsunami

The explosive growth of unstructured data is only going to accelerate. With more connected devices and the emerging internet of things (IoT), we’ll go from less than 2 billion devices in 2010 to more than 25 billion by 2020, according to analyst estimates.

That in turn is fueling massive data growth — from 4.4 zettabytes (ZB) in 2013 to 44 ZB in 2020 — much of it generated at the edge, not in the cloud. How will we manage, analyze and store all of that data? Implementing hybrid cloud now provides an architecture that can scale as we face a data tsunami over the next three years.

Next up, we’ll look at steps to get started with hybrid cloud.