TCO Report: Cloudian HyperStore File

…cost benefits that together represent a step-function improvement from traditional NAS. Read this TCO Report to learn how Cloudian HyperStore File Services offers a new approach that addresses both scalability…

Demo: Cloudian HyperStore for Microsoft Azure

PRODUCT DEMO Cloudian HyperStore for Microsoft Azure Cloudian HyperStore enables native access to object data from multiple cloud ecosystems, for example RESTful API calls from AWS S3, Google Cloud Platform…

Analyzing media assets using AI, Elasticsearch, and Cloudian HyperStore

…the Elasticsearch cluster in the following format: cloudian-<cloudianclustername>-<regionname>-<datacentername>-<bucketname>-<bucketcreationdatetime> For each object that subsequently gets uploaded into a HyperStore bucket using that storage policy, HyperStore will retain the object metadata locally…

How to Use HyperStore S3 as a Velero Storage Target

…following steps are prerequisites to using Velero and HyperStore for backup/restore. HyperStore installed using the included installation wizard on top of CentOS. HyperStore can run on VMs, bare-metal, or Cloudian…

Splunk SmartStore with Cloudian HyperStore

…with Cloudian HyperStore This demonstration shows a fully functional Splunk SmartStore/Cloudian HyperStore solution, starting from setup all the way to searching for data residing on remote Cloudian HyperStore. 1-CLICK SUBSCRIBE…